Thursday, August 28, 2008

श्रीखण्ड यात्रा के नए फोटो

इस वर्ष श्रीखण्ड यात्रा कर चुके सुशांत गुप्ता ने अपने द्वारा खींचे गए फोटो की हाल ही में एक वेबसाइट बनाई है। कृपया इस वेबसाइट पर अवश्य विज़िट करें। वेबसाइट का लिंक है

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

श्रीखण्ड महादेव कैलाश यात्रा 16 जुलाई 2008 से

सभी शिव भक्त जनों को यह जानकर हार्दिक प्रसन्नता होगी कि हर साल की भांति इस बार भी श्रीखण्ड महादेव कैलाश यात्रा 16 जुलाई 2008 श्रावण संक्रांति से शुरू होने जा रही है और श्रीखण्ड सेवादल के तत्वावधान में यह 23 जुलाई 2008 तक चलेगी। इस अवधि में 16 जुलाई से 22 जुलाई तक श्रीखण्ड सेवादल द्वारा सिंहगाड़ से प्रतिदिन सुबह 5 : 00 बजे यात्रा के लिए विधिवत जत्था रवाना किया जाएगा।

श्रीखण्ड सेवादल की ओर से आयोजित की जाने वाली वार्षिक यात्रा के विशेष आकर्षण

1 श्रावण संक्रांति तदनुसार 16 जुलाई 2008 के शुभ अवसर पर अम्बिका माता निरमंड एवं दशनामी अखाड़ा निरमंड की 13वीं छड़ी का सिंहगाड़ कैंप में आगमन पर भव्य स्वागत व अगले दिन प्रातः छड़ी यात्रा की श्रीखण्ड कैलाश दर्शन को रवानगी
2 इस वर्ष दूसरी बार अखिल भारतीय मानसरोवर कैलाश यात्रा समिति के पदाधिकारियों का श्रीखण्ड कैलाश यात्रा के लिए 15 जुलाई 2008 को सिंहगाड़ में आगमन।
3 सिंहगाड़ में प्रतिदिन सांय 6:00 बजे महा आरती , सत्संग तथा भजन संध्या।
4 सिंहगाड़ में प्रतिदिन प्रातः 6:00 बजे योग शिविर।

यह स्थान समुद्र ताल से 5155 मीटर की ऊँचाई पर हर है जिस कारण यहाँ मौसम ठण्डा रहता है। अतः यात्रियों से अनुरोध है कि यात्रा के दौरान अपने साथ गर्म कपड़े , कम्बल , छाता , बरसाती व टॉर्च साथ लायें। इस यात्रा की पवित्रता को ध्यान में रखते हुए किसी भी प्रकार के नशीले पदार्थ , प्लास्टिक व पॉलीथीन साथ ना लायें। यात्रियों से आग्रह है कि पूर्ण रूप से स्वस्थ होने पर ही यात्रा में भाग लें। इस यात्रा को पिकनिक या मौजमस्ती के रूप में ना लें और केवल भक्ति भाव व आस्था से ही यात्रा करें।

यात्रा का संक्षिप्त विवरण

आप रामपुर बुशहर (शिमला से 130 किलोमीटर) से ३५ किलोमीटर की दूरी पर बागीपुल या अरसू सड़क मार्ग से पहुँच सकते हैं। बागीपुल से 7 किलोमीटर जाँव तक गाड़ी से पहुँचा जा सकता है। जाँव से आगे की यात्रा पैदल होती है। यात्रा के तीन पड़ाव सिंहगाड़ , थाचडू और भीम डवार है। जाँव से सिंहगाड़ तीन किलोमीटर, सिंहगाड़ से थाचडू आठ किलोमीटर की दूरी और थाचडू से भीम डवार नौ किलोमीटर की दूरी पर है। यात्रा के तीनों पड़ाव में श्रीखण्ड सेवादल की ओर से यात्रियों की सेवा में लंगर (निशुल्क भोजन व्यवस्था ) दिन रात चलाया जाता है। भीम डवार से श्रीखण्ड कैलाश दर्शन सात किलोमीटर की दूरी पर है तथा दर्शन उपरांत भीम डवार या थाचडू वापिस आना अनिवार्य होता है।

Friday, June 20, 2008

The Bramha Kamal

The Bramha Kamal is a rare lotus named after lord Brahma, the creator in Indian Mythology. It is considered very lucky to see it bloom and blooms around midnight. White it blooms the buds emit a strong fragrance. The buds start late evening after sunset and reach full bloom by midnight. This bloom only survives for that single night….
The Brahma Kamal, the much reverred flower of the Himalayas, is an excellent example of plant life at the upper limit of high mountains (3,000-4,600 m). The flowerheads are actually purple, but are enclosed in layers of greenish-yellow, papery, boat-shaped bracts. The flowers bloom at the height of the monsoons and abundant in high-altitude places like Shrikhand Mahadev (Great Himalyan National Park) and The Valley of Flowers. The bract-cover provides the warm space needed to bloom in the cold mountains. The flowers are used as offering in the hill temples, like the shrines of Badrinath. The thick curved root of the plant is applied to bruises and cuts, as part of local medicine. Brahma Kamal is the state flower of Uttarakhand. A postal stamp was issued by the Indian Postal Department to commemorate this flower.

Monday, June 16, 2008

ॐ नमो शिवाय

ॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ नमः शिवायॐ

Sunday, June 15, 2008

श्रीखंड यात्रा के दौरान दर्शनीय स्थल

श्रीखंड महादेव यात्रा के दौरान भक्त जन निरमंड क्षेत्र के कई दर्शनीय स्थलों का भ्रमण भी कर सकते हैं। इस क्षेत्र के प्रसिद्ध दर्शनीय स्थल हैं-
प्राकृतिक शिव गुफा देव ढांक, प्राचीन एवं पौराणिक परशुराम मन्दिर, दक्षिणेश्वर महादेव व अम्बिका माता मन्दिर निरमंड, संकटमोचन हनुमान मन्दिर अरसू, गौरा मन्दिर जाँव, सिंह गाड, ब्राह्टी नाला, थाच्डू, जोगनी जोत, काली घाटी, ढांक डवार, कुनशा, भीम डवार, बकासुर वध, दुर्लभ फूलों की घाटी पार्वती बाग़, माँ पार्वती की तपस्थली नैन सरोवर, महाभारत कालीन विशाल शिलालेख भीम बही।

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Pictures of Shrikhand- Courtesy

Shrikhand, the Kailash of Himachal

Come monsoon and mountain lovers and pilgrims ready themselves to undertake treks and pilgrims, as that is the best time to scale mountains. While lakhs brave the tough hilly terrain to reach Amarnath in Jammu and Kashmir, thousands undertake the strenuous trek to 5425-metre-high Shrikhand peak, which is known as the Kailash of Himachal Pradesh.
It is a 70-km two-way track passing through dense forests, water streams, sprawling meadows and lofty mountains. The climb is difficult but it offers a panoramic view.
The peak, called Shrikhand Mahadev by locals, is located in Shimla district. The journey to the place can be undertaken from two sides, from Baghipul village in Nirmand, Rampur, or from Arsu in Rampur, which is 115 km from Shimla.
The track from Arsu is quite difficult but the Forest Department is planning to build a track to the peak from this side. Though the track from Baghipul side is also not very good but the local organisers of the yatra and the Forest Department make arrangements to provide basic facilities to visitors at several places.
It is advisable to undertake this journey when the Shrikhand Management Committee puts up camps at different places in July where they provide food, tea and water besides night shelter. Local people also pitch tents and offer food and stay for the night on payment basis.
At other times when such facilities are not provided, yatris have to make all arrangements at their own.
This year the Shrikhand Kailash Yatra Samiti made arrangements for travellers from July 16 to 22 and established camps at Singhgad, Thachdu and Bheemdwari.
From Baghipul, Javan village in Kulu district can be reached by vehicle. From there, one can head for the base camp 3 km away at Singhgad. For night stay, there’s tented accommodation as well as a forest hut. A jagrata at night comes as a treat for the journey-weary pilgrims.
After spending the night here yatris can start their journey early morning. The trek from Singhgad to Barati Nalah along the splattering river is lined with a variety of plants, and trees.
It would be wise to carry water for the way since the track from here becomes a bit difficult. At the next point Thachdu, 8 km away, a resting place has been constructed. During the yatra period, the organisers provide food at this place too.
From Thachdu one has to make an almost vertical ascent called Danda Dhar (straight like a stick), till Kali Ghati, which can be quite exhausting. On the top of the hill is a temple of Kali.
Though locals go up to Bheemdwari, the next resting place, in a single day but others must break journey at Kali Ghati or Kunsha Dhar. Again, one passes through sprawling meadows laden with wild flowers.
The path till Bheemdwari from Kunsha Dhar is quite tortuous. After spending the night at Bheemdwari, one should head for peak quite early as one has to return to the camp before nightfall as there is no shelter on the way.
The 3-km track beginning from Bheemdwari is slippery and a rivulet has to be crossed too. All precautions have to be taken since this track becomes unsafe after the rains.
After reaching Nain Sarowar, the ascent through boulders is steep and quite tough. The rare wild lotus grown amidst the boulders is an endangered species but locals pluck them for religious beliefs.
A few glaciers also have to be crossed before reaching the majestic peak of Shrikhand, where pilgrims perform puja. The view from 5425 metres is simply splendid — one literally feels on the top of the world. The surrounding snow-covered peaks and mountains add to the grandeur.
One cannot stay on the top for a long time as the winds there are very strong and bone-chilling. The downward journey from the top should start before 2 pm as the weather starts worsening in the afternoon.
Though getting down seems easier, precaution has to be taken while descending the steep.
The difficulties of this journey may deter some but the peak besides holding religious significance offers one a chance to witness majestic snow peaks and enchanting landscapes.

Come monsoon and mountain lovers and pilgrims ready themselves to undertake treks and pilgrims, as that is the best time to scale mountains. While lakhs brave the tough hilly terrain to reach Amarnath in Jammu and Kashmir, thousands undertake the strenuous trek to 5425-metre-high Shrikhand peak, which is known as the Kailash of Himachal Pradesh.
It is a 70-km two-way track passing through dense forests, water streams, sprawling meadows and lofty mountains. The climb is difficult but it offers a panoramic view.
The peak, called Shrikhand Mahadev by locals, is located in Shimla district. The journey to the place can be undertaken from two sides, from Baghipul village in Nirmand, Rampur, or from Arsu in Rampur, which is 115 km from Shimla.
The track from Arsu is quite difficult but the Forest Department is planning to build a track to the peak from this side. Though the track from Baghipul side is also not very good but the local organisers of the yatra and the Forest Department make arrangements to provide basic facilities to visitors at several places.
It is advisable to undertake this journey when the Shrikhand Management Committee puts up camps at different places in July where they provide food, tea and water besides night shelter. Local people also pitch tents and offer food and stay for the night on payment basis.
At other times when such facilities are not provided, yatris have to make all arrangements at their own.
This year the Shrikhand Kailash Yatra Samiti made arrangements for travellers from July 16 to 22 and established camps at Singhgad, Thachdu and Bheemdwari.
From Baghipul, Javan village in Kulu district can be reached by vehicle. From there, one can head for the base camp 3 km away at Singhgad. For night stay, there’s tented accommodation as well as a forest hut. A jagrata at night comes as a treat for the journey-weary pilgrims.
After spending the night here yatris can start their journey early morning. The trek from Singhgad to Barati Nalah along the splattering river is lined with a variety of plants, and trees.
It would be wise to carry water for the way since the track from here becomes a bit difficult. At the next point Thachdu, 8 km away, a resting place has been constructed. During the yatra period, the organisers provide food at this place too.
From Thachdu one has to make an almost vertical ascent called Danda Dhar (straight like a stick), till Kali Ghati, which can be quite exhausting. On the top of the hill is a temple of Kali.
Though locals go up to Bheemdwari, the next resting place, in a single day but others must break journey at Kali Ghati or Kunsha Dhar. Again, one passes through sprawling meadows laden with wild flowers.
The path till Bheemdwari from Kunsha Dhar is quite tortuous. After spending the night at Bheemdwari, one should head for peak quite early as one has to return to the camp before nightfall as there is no shelter on the way.
The 3-km track beginning from Bheemdwari is slippery and a rivulet has to be crossed too. All precautions have to be taken since this track becomes unsafe after the rains.
After reaching Nain Sarowar, the ascent through boulders is steep and quite tough. The rare wild lotus grown amidst the boulders is an endangered species but locals pluck them for religious beliefs.
A few glaciers also have to be crossed before reaching the majestic peak of Shrikhand, where pilgrims perform puja. The view from 5425 metres is simply splendid — one literally feels on the top of the world. The surrounding snow-covered peaks and mountains add to the grandeur.
One cannot stay on the top for a long time as the winds there are very strong and bone-chilling. The downward journey from the top should start before 2 pm as the weather starts worsening in the afternoon.
Though getting down seems easier, precaution has to be taken while descending the steep.
The difficulties of this journey may deter some but the peak besides holding religious significance offers one a chance to witness majestic snow peaks and enchanting landscapes.

This article by Shri. Dharm Prakash Gupta
Courtesy: The Tribune, Chandigarh (Sunday, August 19, 2007)